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Dst at a Glance Services Contract Vehicles

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DST Creed
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DST Creed
We, as Data Systems & Technology employees, are dedicated to the delivery of quality scientific and technical products and services contributing to the security and well being of our nation and the free world. We believe high ethical standards are essential to achievement of our individual and corporate goals. As such, we fully subscribe to the following commitments:
To Our Customers:
We shall place the highest priority on the quality, timeliness, and competitiveness of our products and services.

We shall pursue our objectives with a commitment to personal integrity and high professional standards.
To Our Fellow Employees, Present And Prospective:
We shall promote an environment, which encourages new ideas, high quality work, and professional achievement.

We shall treat our fellow employees honestly and fairly; and we shall ensure equal opportunity for employment and advancement.

We shall share the rewards of success with those whose honest efforts contribute to that success.
To Our Neighbors:
We shall be responsible citizens, respecting the laws and customs of each community in which we live or conduct our business.
To Our Shareholders:
We shall conduct ourselves so as to enhance and preserve the reputation of the company.
Consistent with the commitments expressed above, we shall strive to provide our shareholders a fair return on investment.
"We provide our customers with quality products & services that meet or exceed their expectations through the effective management of all assignments."
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